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Orchard St

Tea Jar

Tea Jar

Regular price $23.00 AUD
Regular price $36.00 AUD Sale price $23.00 AUD
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Glow Tea : Glow from within with this beautifying antioxidant rich blend with berry and citrus notes. 

Ingredients : hibiscus, nettle, lemon peel, reship, calendula. 

Glow from the inside out with this delicate blend to support lympathic drainage, reduce fluid retention and gently clear your skin; the largest organ of detoxification. A combination of calendula and nettle gently purifying while rosehip, hibiscus, and lemon peel are rich in vitamin C to support collagen production; regenerating skin cells and elasticity to enhance inner glow. 


Calm Tea: A delicate floral formula to gently calm body and mind in preparation for deep rest. 

Ingredients: chamomile, liquorice, verbena, lemon balm, passionflower, rose petals. 

Gently support and calm the nervous system with this delicately floral, herbal blend. Lemon balm, verbena and passionflower nourish and strengthen the body and mind, relieving nervous tension throughout. Liquorice possesses the ability to support adrenal depletion and alleviate the stress response. Chamomile is a comprehensive calming herb through aromatic actions to body and mind. 


Jiaogulan Tea : Delicate green sweetness masks true life enhancing potential in this ancient "Herb of Immortality" also know as Gynostemma. 

Ingredients : organic jiaogulan (gynostemma) leaf

Potent adaptogenic prowess bring a polarity of calming yet energising stress support in this revered daily tonic from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Packed with anti-aging potential, Gynostemma enhances antioxidant production and supports detoxification pathways to beautify from within. Gynostemma is the ultimate longevity tea for all. 

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